Another episode where we're out of our comfort zones with Ray playing a aggro goat demigod Landris to his trickster water god Zun Quib Slay, and me playing Explorer for the Future Fillion to my smashy-smashy War God Kindunos.
While it's not quite the finale, we did set up a REALLY good final chapter, and some groundwork is laid for Fillion to a perfectly politicking asshole.
-"If Movies Ended When They Said The Credits" PART 2
-"I Should Have Killed You When I Had The Chance" Supercut
-"You Just Don't Get It Do You?" Supercut
-OK GO "Upside Down Inside Out
I'm fucking glad OK Go is doing these music videos. Back in the early days of MTV, the first people to make videos were art students and people who wanted to make weird shit, and they were the one of the first ones on YouTube to go "FUCK YEAH! EAT OUR CONCEPTS, NEEERRRRRRDS!"
-Rock Band 2 Update brought us A LOT of good music, like "Ace Of Spades" (the '08 rerecord where he says "But no one wants to live for ever/but apparently I am), "Alex Chilton", "Alive", "Bad Reputation", "Chop Suey", "Come Out And Play", "Down With The Sickness", "Everlong"... that's only up to E. Rock Band 2's soundtrack was probably my favorite out of the lot.
It was right at that confluence of "We haven't completely mined everything yet" and "We have a shitton of money and promotion behind us".
However, I think it's the soundtrack I got sick of the soonest. Like GH3, it was the peak of it's popularity, the setlist was the most played and there were setups EVERYWHERE. Especially "Livin' on a Prayer" and "Anyway You Want It", two of the biggest singalong songs ever. I think the only thing RB4 is missing now is Lego Rock Band and AC/DC, the former I regret getting on.
-Mystakin Of The Axe v. 3 with the CORRECT flavor text
-The notion of a "Console Wars" I believe has subsided in the past few years, primarily because everything has gotten so expensive, all the games come out for pretty much everything. In response to that, the PC Master Race comes out of the ashes, and the focus shifts between not who has the better platform, but who plays their games in the best way.
The term comes from an old Zero Punctuation Review of The Witcher (the first one), where Yahtzee states that the nature of the game's PC-Only Nature meant it had to be very difficult and complicated.
What started as an ironic joke turned into a symbol of pride. "Look at these snobbish assholes" became "LOOK, WE'RE SNOBBISH ASSHOLES!". It's like if rich people introduced themselves with "As A Fat Cat 1%er..."
Also PCs are more expensive than consoles. Whereas the CONSOLE WAR mentality was usually because you could only buy the one, PC mentality is like "I spent more on this, why isn't this the best? I need 60 FPS!"
-Pokemon's Super Bowl Commercial
I was in the right age to get absolutely overwhelmed by the Pokemon Machine as a kid, and this ad is peak "Sure, whatever kid, had a big ol' adventure for yourself!" and presents a world where people can have Pikachus for pets.
Now I want The Miz to play Giovanni in a live action Pokemon thing.
-The name of Demetri Martin's show was "Important Things With Demetri Martin". It was all right, considering how often Comedy Central gives standup comics a sketch show for a couple years then cancels it.
-Mystakin is one of the Authors under the Rhythm Authors banner, who Harmonix has been outsourcing some authoring work to. Not necessarily a surprise, since Harmonix is independent studio and has a fraction of the manpower they used to have, so reaching out to experienced Rock Band Authors is a completely acceptable course of action.
Rhythm Authors did a lot of songs for the Rock Band Network for some very popular metal bands, such as A Day To Remember, Between The Buried and Me and Five Finger Death Punch.
-Mystakin covers Single White Infidel:
-Mystakin covers Rhythm Bastard:
-Mystakin covers Arcanon:
4chan would paradoxically be NICER than most other places? Like, they'd probably call us "gay faggots with shitty butt music" and it feels so generic that I couldn't be offended. It's still offensive, but it loops back around to being inoffensive since that's what they say to everybody.
-Christian McBride: Cherokee, because I have to feature the improvised jazz solo at least once:
I find this odd, since technically this album came out in 2013... DUN DUN OPEN NOTES
The hard separation between fast and slow is jarring, but I take it this won the Grammy because the Pianist, Christian Sands is able to keep up regardless. Like, the rest of the band is like "Hey, let's see if we can fuck him up" and Christian Sands is like "Ha ha you wish motherfucker."
Or possibly because the way Christian McBride plays bass is like a normal guitarist busting out a solo. If this were an octave higher it would fit right into a metal song. That guy's fingers must be swole as fuck.
What I'm saying is that it's a good song. Not one I'd have on my MP3 while I'm pumping iron in the gym, but one I enjoyed listening to writing this recap.
-Nuclear Throne is the best class of roguelike, because the "run" is as simple as pulling the lever on a slot machine. Same with FTL, where a run doesn't require a major time commitment, and if you lose, you're only out an hour at most.
-"Tacos are a renewable experience"- Rhythm Bastard
-Pro level strats with Jeff Gertsmann
-Mega64's Deadpool Movie Sketch
-So, in Magic the Gathering, there are 5 colors, each with it's own strengths and weaknesses. I'll summarize as quickly as possible:
WHITE- Usually white spells are about keeping you and your creatures alive for as long as possible.
BLUE- Usually blue spells are about playing the game on your own terms, doing things such as making creatures weaker, or countering your opponent's spells.
BLACK- Black spells involve death of some sort, usually either killing creatures, or interacting with your discard pile (aka "Graveyard")
RED- Red spells are about speed and direct damage, like "Deal X damage to target creature or player" and creatures that can attack very early on in the game.
GREEN- Green spells are about big creatures and lands, so you can make lands big creatures or get more lands to get to your big creatures sooner.
Around the mid-2000s, Magic made characters called "Planeswalkers" that act as an embodiment of each color.
Jace, who Jeff talked about is the blue mage, and he's the most popular probably because A. He looks the most like what we think of a "Wizard" and B. He's moody and brooding and all the anti-hero types in what is basically a scrawny scene kid:
Every bit of lore he's involved in goes as such:
Someone tricks him, then he gets tortured, then he Protagonists his way to victory.
Garruk was the Green Planeswalker for a while, until the Innstrad block when he'd been cursed with a magic artifact. Origianlly he was going to use his magic to be a farmer, then local army wanted him, but him and his Dad were all like, "Nah, fuck that noise" and the Army killed his Dad. He then spent the next 10 years suplexing progressively larger beasts, then eating them.
Chandra is the Red Planeswalker. Guess what her magic preference is?
I agree with Jeff that her "Origin Story" is the best. She was raised on Steampunk India (Kaladesh) where her parents were Engineers but she was like "I'm gonna be King Of The Outlaws!" which is a coincidence because her parents were also working for a rebel alliance because the government was basically Reaganomics and was like "THE AETHER WILL TRICKLE DOWN!".
So when she was delivering some Aether the royal guard caught her, but she fought them off with her newly discovered fire magic. Her parents were like "That was cool and all, and we love you baby, but we need to GTFO".
They fled to a village, then the Royal Guard caught up with them and was like "Gorbachev, burn down this village. Chandra was to be excecuted in an arena, where at the last second she planeswalked away.
-Some highlights from the Sonic The Hedgehog Twitter:
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) February 6, 2016
What does it mean, @DennysDiner? pic.twitter.com/74V561OGNx— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) January 20, 2016
Tsundere @egoraptor in a Sonic Dress. It's everything you never knew you wanted for Christmas. https://t.co/FZyoMSuNLE— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) December 22, 2015
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) November 18, 2015
-"We don't need your money, you filthy stoner peasant"- Rhythm Bastard
-This history of Japan, aka Shit Weeaboos Don't Care About.
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