-As per our intros, our Magic The Gathering Cards. When I'm less pressured to put this up early, then I'll do better ones, but for now, here goes:
I envisioned Jeff's deck to be about +1/+1 counters and 2-for-1s, but I think that might be a bit too OP.
In his card I reference both his music projects, Single White Infidel and The Sixth Shot.
His BONUS SPELL CARD is a reference to his song in Amplitude "Assault On Psychofortress"
Paolo's deck is about getting the Rock Band Instrument Artifacts out and winning the game. He plays Yu-Gi-Oh, and his strategy is akin to getting the four pieces of the Legendayr Yu-Gi-Oh monster Exodia onto the field, and his spell that gets rid of creatures and enchantments helps with that by keeping him alive just long enough to do that. His spell's flavor text is a reference to something he told me on Twitter about his usage of Palutena in Smash.
-OK, I got Peter Molyneux to leave my house, but only because I told him there's an even bigger cube he can tap called the sun. NASA will be properly funded in... soon...
-Cracked used to be a rip-off of Mad Magazine, with humorous comics parodying pop culture:

To the thinking man's Buzzfe-
That phrase made me throw up in my mouth, so I'm going to stop there.
Seanbaby still writes for Cracked on occasion, but he only does about one article per year it seems. Since then it seems he's been working on a game called Calculords, which is getting a sequel soon.
Back in the day, Seanbaby was the absolute coolest video game guy ever. He had pink hair! He said cuss words! He talked shit about bad video games! HAHAHA! Then I graduated high school. I linked his website above which has some absolute gold, including tracking down someone featured in an issue of Nintendo Power. I e-mailed that address about a year after discovering the article and they claimed they were trolling Seanbaby.
One classic I remember the best, but aren't immediately available on the site is his article on Mega Man bosses, and the introduction of the Mega Man Robot Naming Comittee.
-Sigh... Reposting Mickey Mousecapades on Game Grumps:
-The G-Diffuser is a piece of technology in the Star Fox and F-Zero universe that is supposed to remove the effects of gravity on the pilot and, according to the Arwingpedia, is also the power source for shields and propulsion.
More accurately, as I said in this episode "Some sci-fi engine sounding thing"
Allow me to nerd out, since there are two explanations for this technology: The first is the "kayfare" or "Thermain" explanation, which is that they create an artificial gravity field around the ship, that can provide an Earth-level environment so that the ship can move laterally quicker (such as performing a "barrel roll"), and so that the pilot is comfortable. This gravity field is then turned inward when the ship boosts and moves into hyperspeed.
The other explanation (which I am borrowing liberally from the Arwingpedia) is how it can exist in real life. This requires manipulation of Zero Point Energy. Zero Point Energy, is the ground state of a quantum mechanical physical system, From High School Physics, an electron in its ground state is when the electron is in the lowest possible orbit. When energy is added to the system, the elctron gains energy and is moved into a higher state, or a higher orbit.
Vaccuum Energy is the zero point energy of all the various electromagnetical fields in space, which leads us to believe that the vacuum of space is not empty, just at the ground state. If this is true, then that means that energy exists with space, and according to relativity, exerts a gravitational force, as would a mass (such as a planet).
With advances in ZPE, this energy can be manipulated to simulate the effects of the G-Diffuser.
Arwingpedia: G Diffuser
Wikipedia: Zero Point Energy
-OK, now for more science:

So, the "Barrel Roll" in Star Fox 64 is actually an Aileron Roll, in which an aircraft does a full revolution along its axis (i.e. nose and tail are at the same height, the rest of the aircraft spins around).
A proper barrel roll is in a helix motion, where is looks like the plane is going around the outside of a barrel.
A rudder roll (aka The Pacman) is a tigheter version of the barrel roll where the rudder is used to slip into the the roll.
-Another hit from LazyPillow, that sums up this episode in a nutshell: