Thursday, December 28, 2017

Status Quo Sunday is Drinking Down Your Wine

Holy fuck the holidays wreaked more havoc than usual on my schedule.


This one is based off the newest MtG set, "Unstable"! Blind your foes with Mad Sceince and like 30 backup singers.

No seriously, I had like a lot of people on this. Meanwhile, I only managed to get two people for my Ixilan song WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO SOUND LIKE A ROWDY PIRATE SHIP FULL OF PEOPLE!

JAM OF CHRISTMAS: "Father Christmas" by The Kinks
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This Christmas was... very scaled down for all of us. I'm in between jobs, my Dad's on disability. Mom tries her best, my brother is... not very useful, so money's been rather tight.

Between financial woes and Donald Trump being like WE CAN SAY CHRISTMAS AGIN it helps to have a Christmas song that's like "Hey, sometimes this time of year is fucking bullshit for a lot of people, so maybe we should think about those of us who aren't so lucky."

REAL JAM OF THE WEEK: "Wrestlemania 2000 Main Menu Theme"
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I've been playing this ever since I got it for Holmat Slam. While WCW/NWO Revenge was my game as a kid, Let's not kid ourselves: Wrestlemania 2000 is the better game.

Between a bigger roster, more ways to play and a fleshed out Career Mode, holy shit what was I thinking with that other game.

Currently going through career mode as Chris Jericho and my tag partner is Kevin Owens that someone else made. I don't know who, I have the cartridge now.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Status Quo Sunday Gives You The WHOLE MAT

Image may contain: 1 person, text

It's only fitting that this con comes at the end of the year, because A. Both my concert and Holmat Slam went off spectacularly and B. I saw pretty much EVERYONE I knew from the con scene there?

I could only stay one day, and I didn't see much but it was a very fun day. Holiday Matsuri and Anime Iwai, while not the biggest cons, are known for being good "hang out" cons.

All my shows next year, be they a usual Rhythm Bastard performance, or my as of yet unnamed N64 Wrestling Federation will be a lot better, and I'm rejuvenated, between my Patreon and all the success I've had this year to start again in 2018.


As a cop out, (and since it went down so well at my Holmat show)
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For this one, I was going for a more relaxed vibe. That riff is something I was just chilling out with and I wanted to get another song done for Overwatch, so I figured Why Not? Even though I don't McCree AT ALL, "It's High Noon" is a really great lyrical hook.

JAM OF THE WEEK: "Wasted Youth/Everything Louder Than Everything Else" by Meatloaf
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There's a little playlist I have of songs that get me hyped up to play at a show. Basically, any song that's uplifting, is meant to be blasted as loud as possible and I can yell along to while I'm blasting 80 on the Florida Turnpike.

First time I heard this song was on an episode of The Echo Chamber where Jeff recited the opening monologue unprovoked and the rest of us were scratching our heads.

Then I actually listened to it.

You know, it's a shame that bands like Dream Theatre and Rush get the credit for making epic songs when Meatloaf  can't seem to write a song shorter than 5 minutes.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


 Whoa! Whooooa!! (That was a Crash Bandicoot meme)

Look at all this EPIC gaming referencing! MY BODY IS READY! (That's a Nintendo meme)

I wish I could live in Osiris with Parchibald and Girl even though 99% of society is decaying in slums!


Yeah, I'm doing that cynical thing where I harp on something popular to get clicks my way. And yes, it's passe at this point to hit Ready Player One for all the references and stuff.

"But don't you do the same thing Mr. Makes Songs About Magic The Gathering and Overwatch and Shit?"

Sort of? In the back of my mind, I have a philosophy of "Themes, Not Memes". Basically, I try to find a "hook" to the song. Why does this song exist? What am I doing besides "making a song about a thing"? Mostly what I try to do with my music about a subject is put context and meaning where there wouldn't be. Most of my Magic the Gathering songs are about putting you in a place with a particular mind frame: "We're pirates!" "Let's work together and fight the big scary monster!" "I'm Nicol Bolas and you're going to die but love it anyway!". There's a pitch you can follow along with. Even Axe Cop is written so that you can follow it, even if you don't know what Axe Cop is.

With Status Quo Radio, it was a challenge to make 9 different songs that feel as different as how the Team Fortress 2 classes play. As life changed, and my politics became what they are today, so did the overall theme of the album into something different.

YouTube Video Producer Peter Coffin has a term he uses a lot in his videos: "Cultivated Identity"- identity, who you are and how you see yourself, that has been derived from what is consumed. And when an identity is driven by what you consume, it can be "cultivated", or be reaped for profit by a retailer like ThinkGeek (quirky nerdiness) or Hot Topic (rebellion!) or a production company like Disney (your childhood!) or- well, given the news Disney's all we're gonna get.

It's kind of how I feel about geek culture in general these days. It's not "Let's make this thing good", it's "Oh, ANOTHER thing to add on to the pile". Like, it's impossible to be into nerdy shit UNLESS you catch Game of Thrones, and 7 DC TV series, and are all caught up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, etc. Because of course you have to buy all this shit. It's "Geek Culture".

Net Neutrality was repealed today and Disney, the foremost manipulator of copyright law (seriously, it extends the length of public domain anytime Mickey Mouse is due) bought Fox, and now owns like 50% of popular culture BUT HEY GUYS THE XENOMORPHS ARE DISNEY PRINCESSES NOW!

So between that and being in between jobs, the world is feeling pretty barren right now.

NEW SONG ON PATREON- "Be The Solution"!

 I decided to whip up a song for the new Unstable set because I wanted to sound like Devo.

That AND "High Noon" are coming out AFTER Holiday Matsuri as a 2-for-1 deal because
A. I want some encouragement to come out to my show this week at Holiday Matsuri and B.I'm running out of space on my Soundcloud. All my album tracks will be available, alongside my MtG songs, but some of the older, rougher stuff will be taken down to make room.

Hardcore Nerdcore Punk (3:45 PM, Panel Room A)

Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage, people playing musical instruments and guitar

Crank your Holiday Matsuri up to 11 when Rhythm Bastard brings his mix of punk rock and fandom to the stage! You like video games? Comics? Card games? Come on down and open the pit up!

Holmat Slam  (5:00 PM, Panel Room A)
Get ready to rumble in the hypest fake wrestling event Holiday Matsuri has ever seen! From the people who brought you AFO Rumble, Mizu-Mania, and Iwai-vor Series, comes Holmat Slam!

Play some old N64 Wrestling games, and compete for the chance to win a championship belt!

JAM OF THE WEEK: "Welcome To The Church Of Rock And Roll"
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This is from the last album by Foxy Shazam you can consider good, and man that opening is a real attention getter.

It's the musical number to a Rebellious Character that the Young Protagonist in a fantasy movie meets in the second act that draws him away from The Path, but our Young Protagnotist is Too Pure and Not Sure About This to stay in this Probably A Tavern for the rest of his days while The Bad Guy continues His Scheme Elsewhere. But when Young Protagonist tries to leave, he's stopped by Rebellious Charachter's Gang of Thugs but then the Young Protagonist gives a heartfelt speech about doing the right thing and-

Wait, where was I going with this?

Oh yeah, "Welcome To The Church Of Rock and Roll" is awesome.  

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Rectangular Reckoning- Arena Run #1

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HearthArena can be finicky to set up, and didn't show AT ALL on stream, but it works great! While it will take a couple tries to see what it favors, and how

Mistress of Mixtures
Worgen Infiltrator
Blowgill Sniper
Defile (x2)
Drain Soul
Golakka Crawler
Pint-Sized Summoner
Tainted Zealot
Earthen Ring Farseer
Mind Control Tech
Questing Adventurer
Shadow Bolt
Void Terror
Backroom Bouncer
Blastcrystal Potion
Daring Reporter
Fire Plume Phoenix
Kabal Chemist (x2)
Sen'jin Shieldmasta
Despicable Dreadlord
Kara Kazham!
Sated Threshadon
Twisting Nether
Giant Mastodon

Monday, December 4, 2017

Status Quo Sunday Comes Out Guns Blazing

Support me on Patreon if you want to download it, otherwise it's out for streaming next week. So far the reception has been pretty positive, and I can't wait for all of you to hear it!


The thing from the hit song made real!

"Iron on design on a black Hanes shirt,
Ordered with no time wasted.
Now I'm counting the days til I have THE MOST EPIC T-SHIRT THAT EVERY EXISTED!"

A pixelart Deadpool rides a Tardis into Mordor
As a Minecraft Creeper chased a raptor through a portal
Jedi fought zombies atop the Enterprise,
This shirt is so epic you won't believe your eyes!

A giant ninja robot made of bacon Adamantium
and two kinds of flacon: Captain and Millenium,
helped Batman kill a titan in the eye of a sharknado!"

They OFFICIALLY start shipping out after Holiday Matsuri, then they go up to $15. If you want to preorder, let me know.

JAM OF THE WEEK: "Eat The Rich" by Aerosmith

TFW when the wealth will never trickle down.

Instead of eating the rich, try VORING the rich. They'll last longer and they'll be miserable as heck inside a poor person's tummy.

Hardcore Nerdcore Punk (3:45 PM, Panel Room A)

Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage, people playing musical instruments and guitar

Crank your Holiday Matsuri up to 11 when Rhythm Bastard brings his mix of punk rock and fandom to the stage! You like video games? Comics? Card games? Come on down and open the pit up!

Holmat Slam  (5:00 PM, Panel Room A)
Get ready to rumble in the hypest fake wrestling event Holiday Matsuri has ever seen! From the people who brought you AFO Rumble, Mizu-Mania, and Iwai-vor Series, comes Holmat Slam!

Play some old N64 Wrestling games, and compete for the chance to win a championship belt!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Status Quo Sunday Has Reached a Dead End


Be sure to subscribe now to be able to download song #1 and have access to the new track "High Noon" the SECOND it comes out!

Art by Miguel Mercado


Hardcore Nerdcore Punk (3:45 PM, Panel Room A)

Crank your Holiday Matsuri up to 11 when Rhythm Bastard brings his mix of punk rock and fandom to the stage! You like video games? Comics? Card games? Come on down and open the pit up!
Holmat Slam  (5:00 PM, Panel Room A)
Get ready to rumble in the hypest fake wrestling event Holiday Matsuri has ever seen! From the people who brought you AFO Rumble, Mizu-Mania, and Iwai-vor Series, comes Holmat Slam!

Play some old N64 Wrestling games, and compete for the chance to win a championship belt!

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Secret Tempo Mage
Class: Mage
Format: Standard
Year of the Mammoth

2x (1) Babbling Book
2x (1) Mana Wyrm
2x (2) Arcanologist
2x (2) Frostbolt
2x (2) Medivh's Valet
2x (2) Primordial Glyph
2x (2) Sorcerer's Apprentice
2x (3) Arcane Intellect
2x (3) Counterspell
1x (3) Ice Block
2x (3) Kirin Tor Mage
2x (3) Mirror Entity
2x (4) Fireball
2x (6) Kabal Crystal Runner
1x (7) Bonemare
2x (7) Firelands Portal


JAM OF THE WEEK: "Dead End In Tokyo" by Man With A Mission
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Daryl Toh, an artist on Tumblr, got me into Man With A Mission, an Japanese Rock Band that wear wolf masks. They do have a lot of "Anime Opening" type songs, but "Dead End In Tokyo" and "Dog Days" are closer to a sound from them that I want to see more of: spastic, hard and electric. Those two songs are the perfect soundtrack to a 3AM speed down the Turnpike.

It also helps that "Dead End" was produced in conjunction with Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy. As fans of the show might know, I'm a sucker for those Fall Out Boy turns of phrase, and this does sound not too far off from what FOB has been doing on more recent albums like "Save Rock and Roll" and "American Beauty/American Psycho"

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Rectangular Reckoning #1: Warlock Zoo (Hearthstone)

2x (1) Acherus Veteran
2x (1) Bloodsail Corsair
2x (1) Fire Fly
2x (1) Flame Imp
2x (1) Malchezaar's Imp
1x (1) Mortal Coil
1x (1) Patches the Pirate
2x (1) Soulfire
2x (1) Voidwalker
1x (2) Prince Keleseth
2x (3) Darkshire Councilman
2x (3) Southsea Captain
2x (4) Saronite Chain Gang
2x (5) Despicable Dreadlord
2x (5) Doomguard
2x (7) Bonemare
1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul'dan


A new series I'm planning on doing where I play through some fun decks on Hearthstone and Magic The Gathering. Again, a small series so I can have something to do in the middle of the week.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Status Quo Sunday IN YOUR HOUSE


Might not be ready by this Sunday, but sign up now, and you'll be able to download the new track "The Most Epic T-Shirt" and have the new song a week before it's released to the public!


Yup! Still got one (maybe 2?) more events for the rest of the year! Holiday Matsuri is always a big fun show, but I might be able to stay there Sunday night.

Hardcore Nerdcore Punk (3:45 PM, Panel Room A)

Crank your Holiday Matsuri up to 11 when Rhythm Bastard brings his mix of punk rock and fandom to the stage! You like video games? Comics? Card games? Come on down and open the pit up!

Holmat Slam  (5:00 PM, Panel Room A)
Get ready to rumble in the hypest fake wrestling event Holiday Matsuri has ever seen! From the people who brought you AFO Rumble, Mizu-Mania, and Iwai-vor Series, comes Holmat Slam!

Play some old N64 Wrestling games, and compete for the chance to win a championship belt!


JAM OF THE WEEK: "It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Want To Rock and Roll)" by AC/DC

Malcolm Young, co-founder and rhythm guitarist for AC/DC died on Saturday. They were a huge influence on me, and Malcolm provided the base upon which some of the greatest rock songs of all time were built on, that still hold up to this day.

My attitude now is the same as to when David Bowie passed away: look at his legacy, and find someone now who is looking to carry that torch forward.

NEW SERIES COMING SOON!While I'm still trying to stream more regularly, I'm doing a series called "Rectangular Reckoning" where I play through a deck in either Hearthstone or Magic The Gathering for an hour and break it down. I'll also do some Arena runs in Hearthstone and some drafts and stuff in MtG: Arena when that comes out.