Currently Up:- Echo Chamber Episodes 1-10
- Echo Chamber Episodes 160-167
- I'd Rather Not Episodes 1-12
-There seems to be a Monopoly game for pretty much anything,
-Betting on CS:GO/Controversy As Summed Up By Jim Sterling:
-Dan Ryckert is "for the love of God he's trying" in human form. It seems that every week on the Bombcast he says something that makes me blurt out "Wait, how did you NOT know that?" But, as he reassures us week to week, he is trying new things and undoing old bad habits.
Except the whole "I expect a palette of diet soda to be shipped to my house every month"
I think during Giant Bomb's 2015 End Of The Year Podcast he was compared to Papyrus from Undertale.
-We've shittalked Livin' Da Dream enough on this podcast. I feel bad about it, but I also hope that NBA 2K17 has a similar stupid campaign mode story.
-For comparison, here's the beginning of "Up":
-Sakaguchi's Mega64 Video:
-Gnarls Barkley's Music Video for "Run":
-Barney in Robot Chicken:
-Andy is a married man with a child, so of course his friends list is zero. HAHAHA OWNED says the man who 95% of his social circle is from Magic The Gathering and Conventions and never goes out.
-In theory, aren't all magnets anti-magnets? Because I learned in Basic Fucking Science that magnets have these things called "poles" and similar poles repel each other.
-Soylent is the latest new trend for Tech Bros who don't want to bother with shit like "Reasonable Work-Life Balance", "Cooking", and "Nutritional Supplements Made By People Who Know What They're Doing" named after a movie where all food stuffs are made out of human beings.
-The Turing Test is a test for intelligence in a computer, requiring that a human being should be unable to distinguish the machine from another human being by using the replies to questions put to both, developed by computer scientist Alan Turing.
The Reverse Turing Test is a computer convincing you that you are a computer, as shown in XKCD:
The Douglass Test is a burger that convinces you to eat yourself because the I'd Rather Not Gods hate your stupid ass named after Podcast Emperor Owen Douglass.
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