We staple on baby traits like it's some kind of RPG. Granted, it's more abstract like "gifted orator", "dedication to one's city", etc. We're really not going to fuck up our messiah baby.
However, when we decided gender, we rolled dice: "Oh, negative, it's a dude!", "I was hoping it was blank so we can call it David Bowie"
Also, we staple on city traits like there's no tomorrow and arbitrarily teach them Engineering and Guerilla Warfare.
Then we find out we're fighting rape apologists, so their slaughter is justified.
I was more than glad to partake in this, since FandomMania is also behind another BIG SURPRISE, especially when Mega Ran's on board.
Also, another Christmas jam I'd like to divulge you all is "Christmas Time (Don't Let The Bells End)" by The Darkness:
Yes, they have other songs!
Keeping their glam cred by doing a song about the most glam holiday. Justin Hawkins's voice really shines, and the guitar work, while relatively straightforward, is broken up by some nice riffs.
Can we talk about the music video? It's my blog, so fuck you, we are.
My favorite comedy trope is the ridiculous with a straight face. Justin's always five seconds away from crying, nobody acknolegedes the laser gun firing off, a talking robot, grinding guitar players on a double neck, it's great! A shame I forgot to mention it, but meh.
I wasn't on for this one, as I was at Holiday Matsuri, but Owen asked me what I thought, and I'm here to deliver:
@RhythmBastard What do you think of the choices for PW.C's Best of 2015?
— Owen Douglass (@The_Ozone) December 23, 2015
Though, I hate to break it to Owen, The Coolies might not be the best name for an award.
Best Newcomer: Lucha Underground
Haven't seen
Best Network Show: Breaking Ground
Haven't seen, though I'm interested in the How It's Made type shows.
Best Show Aesthetic: NXT Takeover Brooklyn
Eh, not sure I agree, since how can one define aestehtic? After all the ho-hum decorations for this past year's PPVs, I liked how Wrestlemania Play Button looked: outdoors, big wide stage, and the matches becoming more important and dramatic as night falls.
Most Improved: The New Day
yesyesyesyesyesyes! Take 3 guys who have personality in abundance, and throw them in a stable together! What could go wrong? have them be positive black people: the stable. Goddamn it. Kinda racist, on top of all of that... The original concept where Xavier Woods was leading Kofi and Big E in a heel tag team was interesting, but then they debuted and the crowd hated them.
Then they leaned into the hate, and then they became AWESOME!
Basically, it's like me and my little brother: I do something, he hates it and comments what a stupid dork I am, and then I do whatever I was doing louder and harder and in his stupid neckbeard face.
Plus Xavier Woods runs a gaming channel UpUpDwnDwn.
And this is their official T-Shirt. God bless unicorns:

Best Theme Song: "Cool For The Summer" by Demi Levato
Hmmm... I'm with John, I'd listen to "We Like It Loud" outside of the theme song. "Cool For The Summer" is tolerable, and "We Like I Loud" is generic, but Sleeping with Sirens gets it.
Best Promo: New Day vs. Edge and Christian
This is the best because I have eyes and a soul:
Xavier Woods plays the Final Fantasy Fanfare on a trombone. You lovable unicorn magic dorks, may you shine forever.
Best Special Entrance: Rusev On A Tank
Again, after a ho-hum string during the regular PPVs, Rusev's great Wrestlemania entrance was full of flair, showmanship, character developement, and most importantly: EFFORT!!
Also it's got a goddamn tank.
Best Surprise: RKO OUT OF THE AIR
The amount of practice that went into to make this spot happen.
Dot-Coolest Moment Of The Year: That's a Picture Of Sting
For me, it's the Salina Del Sol on the ladder. It's one of those "HOLY SHIT!" moments. Like fuck, there was BLOOD on the ladder.
Best Non-In-Ring Performer: Dario Cueto
Haven't seen
Best Feud/Storyline: Sasha Banks vs. Bayley
I spent my Christmas Eve watching matches between these two and
Diva Of The Year: Sasha Banks
As much as I want to give this award to real life waifu Chandra from Magic The Gathering (aka Becky Lynch), and Diva of Eternal Sunshine Bayley, Sasha Banks has the attitude, charisma and talent to get over, and in NXT she was great, but on the main roster, they have not pushed her at all.
Superstar of the Year: Seth Rollins
My brother started watching because of Stephen Amell at Superslam and John Cena memes, and Seth Rollins is his standout.
Best Event: NXT Takeover Brooklyn
I was at NXT Rival, so that one wins.
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