-Basically, Jeff had a concert and Paolo was going to Yamacon. So Mystakin and I were talking on Skype, and neither of us wanted to do another Eric and Erich show so soon, but we didn't want to miss two weeks in a row, so we did this... thing.

Yes, Psychonauts 2 is happening.
Yes, Her Story and Splatoon won a shitton of awards.
Yes, nerds lost their shit about not playing titty game.
Yes, Weff and Arcanon will be pretty mad.
Also, because this episode was so short, here's some bonus content:
In this one, some riff-raff ascends to Kindunos's Outpost of the True Warrior and he needs to decide if allow ruffians to innovate on our honed fighting style, and Zun-Quib-Slay fucks some more people and has more babies.
Then at the end is this incredible scene where we fight off a siege army using cunning, guile, FATE-level bullshitting and ZQS getting his freak on. There was a meme on Tumblr that I'm not going to look up right now, that lists how to do a simple task in each of the main tabletop RPG systems, and FATE's was "How well can you bullshit to the GM that you can do it?"
And then the fudge dice don't roll in your favor.
Can I just say? Ryan's podcast Ragnerdrok is worth a listen if you're a fan of tabletop RPG gaming, because those guys know what they're talking about. On a chance meeting with Ed from the cast at I-Con over 3 years ago lead to this.
Also, Raymond of this podcast is an experienced roleplayer, so I couldn't have picked two better people (that I don't know IRL) to run this campaign with. Or at least the core two. There WERE supposed to be other people involved but they don't show up that often.
Like any podcast, the number of people change the dynamic entirely. For example, any Echo Chamber Podcast on it IMMEDIATELY goes to shit once we hit 6 people. And by shit, I mean awesome.
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