-This is Project M
All you need is an SD card and a copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It seems easy enough to get set up. I might have to take it for a spin.
-Pokken? Sure, why not! The part I always envied the most about the Pokemon cartoon is when the Pokemon FUCKING DODGE. Magic: The Gathering got it right when you can be like, "Nah, I'm just gonna step aside"
-The story of Persephone and Hades is one of the biggies in Greek Mythology, and is the explanation for why we have Fall and Winter.
Remember kids, Greek Gods have more fun!
-We do go a bit into the Zoe Quinn/Anita Sarkeesian stuff, but so many people have said it before, and the main thing is that we don't need to ditch the word "Gamer". I'm a gamer, because my preferred way to pass the time is video games.
We need to be more questioning about the status quo, because as recent reports show, that is changing.
And this ties in to the whole insecurity thing I mentioned last week: Why should you care?
What does it matter who's playing the video games that are going to exist regardless of who's playing them? Why does it suddenly matter what gender or skin color they are?
They're people too, and you should care about them because they're OTHER PEOPLE. It's basic consideration to not be so careless.
The risk of that happening is so insignificant I recommend that you worry about accidentally throwing away your winning lottery ticket in the trash, then having it picked up by your identical twin.
Right now, the people in power are debating a law whether women should earn the same pay as men, not the other way around. Same-sex marriage is still banned in over half the country. During the Ferguson incident, there were people saying "WELL, A BLACK MAN SHOT A WHITE MAN THESE TIMES!" but the thing is that those black people are in prison.
A blog post or YouTube video or Tumblr post someone made isn't going to make it illegal to be cisgendered and require every one to be an otherkin and have all men castrated or whatever other thing is claimed by the SJWs. It's impossible with the current structure we have in place, and that's not how progress works.
Progress happens in steps, and the great part about that is we can always evaluate where we are and keep moving in a new direction.
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