Thursday, November 26, 2015

Echo Chamber Recap Episode 148

-Yeah, I'm on Team Christmas, because that's the time of year when your racist ass aunt is obligated by Our Lord Capitalism to shut her damn mouth. Thanksgiving is when she's all like "Hey, you wanna know what I think about INSERT NAME OF MINORITY GROUP?"

Though you don't get ads all the way in September saying "BETTER THINK ABOUT THANKSGIVING!!! ONLY XXX DAYS LEFT!!!". How early do you think about Thanksgiving? The morning before you're supposed to show up to your parents? PSSSSSHH!!!

-Halo, for a while, was the new Goldeneye 007, a game that everyone plays together in the dorm room, but I wonder if it's been beat out by something else, even Smash Bros. Call Of Duty seems to have the online shooter space squared away, so it's hard to see what place Halo occupies in the public consciousness since it's early Original Xbox days.

I've always been aware of the series, and how Master Chief is another "Legendary Video Game Character" to stand shoulder to shoulder with Mario and Lara Croft, but I never got the appeal, until I started playing Halo: Reach. It plays well and doesn't have a lot of what are known as "feelbads", or anything that would hamper a player's enjoyment right off the bat. The DMR was accurate, but still can fire at a decent clip, health regenerates, and ammo was very rarely a concern.

It's a good game, which is why so many are eager to kill aliens and don't afraid of anything.

-It hit me as I was listening to this podcast to write the recap that while I was thinking of The Hold Steady's "Sequestered in Memphis":

Arcanon might have been thinking of "Walking In Memphis" by Marc Cohn, a bit of a one-hit wonder.

-Rock Band Update. Full deets here, we've been talking A LOT about it, so there's not much left uncovered.

-For the record, Brain Dead was the original name the Peter Jackson movie I was talking about, and Dead Alive is what it was called in the States.

-Dark Cloud 2 Advertisement:

May I talk about how much I loved this back in the day? Never played the game, but as a naive high schooler, shit like this seemed possible. "Wow! I CAN DO ANYTHING?!?!?" Hahaha no.

-PAX EAST IS GOING TO BE AWESOME! Tickets sold out quickly, but your plan ain't worth shit. Got my room all lined up thanks to Good Guy Owen, and ready to have some fun in Beantown., 5 months. Hopefully we can get a panel, which means an extra $150 to spend on Magic Drafts.

Maybe we can taste test some mozzerella sticks with Mudry's Mozz...

Also we talked about fainting couches. According to Wikipedia the speculated reason for the existence of fainting couches are sexist as fuck:it's either corsets or "female hysteria".
Also, there's such a thing as fainting rooms. Which have fainting couches. Fuck Victorian Europe. So expect to see plenty of pictures of us flipping off fainting couches.

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