Monday, May 16, 2016

Status Quo Sunday Got IN Trouble at OUT Con

It knocked over a lamp and it broke all over the floor. I spent an hour cleaning it up.


Particularly "Obsidian".

I was listening to A Fox In Space's Dev Stream.and he's big on 80's music and instrumental scores. This was in the background and thought I was listening to FTL's soundtrack, but it was actually from John Carpenter's "Lost Themes" album, aka stuff he never really used in his movies. Whereas his themes for Halloween and the like were tense and creepy, these are scary on another level. Spacemen all alone on a station when they hear a door opening in the middle of the night. Bioweapons escaped in the underground facility. A quick breath before the alarm goes off. This is the sound of the calm before the storm completely cut off from the rest of the world.

OUTCon (which I do not know how to capitalise/write) did well for a con in its first year catering to a demographic (South Florida's first LGBT+ con) outside "nerdy shit". Plenty of familiar faces were there as well!

Most of my time was spent jamming out at my table, so I missed some opportunities to play some games and see some panels, but I got to make plenty of new friends and fans.

No matter how many times I have a con at the MACC, I ALWAYS have trouble getting to it, mainly because my phone decided overheat and I made the wrong turn on my way there. My phone is haunted.

Before my show, however, I was also a part of VundaBlog's Podcast panel where we talked about various shit and I expressed enthusiasm over a documentary series about aircraft. I'll link you when it's online.

I did my two amp setup at my show, but a lot of the crowd in the back said it sounded good, so I'm not complaining. Played a couple regular songs, played a couple new ones, including "Think Geek Is Not Nerdcore" and played my Original Five Nights at Freddys song, both going over well. SoFloConBro Chris of his movie (now on IndieGoGo) "Cosplay and Me" was the star of the night, filming live footage for his movie. I had my trusty camcorder on me as well, and recorded some footage off that.

Sandwich luggage, yo.

June 17th-19th!
Hopefully I can get more updates on that.... soon...?

Until next time!

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