Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not Quite There Yet...

I feel like I should have something here for all the people coming from a comment of mine at Fake Plastic Rock from this article, about how Guitar Hero and Rock Band may have influenced increased sales.

Here's my cop out ladies and gentlemen: The HARDEST parts from these SOLID SONGS and why I'm havin' a little trouble.

Reptilia- This song goes from babby-can-do-it easy to "Wait! My hands aren't that fast!" in a heartbeat. The chorus, which goes right into the solo (1st time around) is what's throwing me off.
OK, chorus now, solo later when I upadate:
Start with your index finger on the 7th fret (pinky on 10th)



Did I mention these are all eighth notes? AT 150+ BEATS PER MINUTE?

Main Offender- This song isn't so bad, but it's a lot of chord moving in a little bit of time. Also, no-one seems to know the transitional parts or the solo, and that's gonna take me a little bit to figure out. But here's the main riff for those wondering:



Full tabs are here, and here.

Now, my comment that as these people giving me as many referals in the past 2 days as AltStrum has ever since I started tracking?

"My favorite is when you’re playing and someone says “Uh, you guys do realize those aren’t real instruments?”

What the hell are they expecting at that point?

What? Aw, Thanks man! I knew something was up was when had to get these at GameStop. And that they don’t really make sound unless the PlayStation is on.”
And then they are worshiped for all eternity solely because of their keen observation skills.

Guitar Hero got me to take up the real thing. I still play fake plastic rock games, but they provide two different feelings:

Fake Rock provides accessibility. Me, my friends and family can start jamming without lugging any equipment around, or worrying if Person A knows song B. It’s all there. Even alone, the scoring and competition gives me a tangible measure of progress. The music comes to me.

The Real Thing is more primal than that, the satisfaction of “I, and I alone did it.” when I finally learned a tough riff. I can put feeling into how I play, and can just mess around with the damn thing.

I’ve turned this into The Rhythm Bastard Experiment (check site), where I try to learn Fake Plastic Rock songs on a real guitar. One of those tab books would help a lot though, but NOOOO, I’m Cheap Bastard. Plus, it would be helpful."

TL;DR- "Get a real guitar!" people can be douchebags, and next time I'm home, I'm taking a field trip to Guitar Center.


Jeremy said...

150 beats per second?! Wow, that IS fast!

Rhythm Bastard said...

It's easier when you assign a finger to a fret, but yeah, it's pretty hard to keep up at that speed.