Nothing too original, it's been a go to "Hip, Exciting Indie Song To Be Played During Sports" for quite a while now, but it's solid workout music.
OK, so what have I been up to this past week?
Last Sunday, played some Magic Duels online, and on Saturday, I worked through my Battle for Zendikar song and played some NBA 2K16.
The songwriting stream, while not very populated, didn't end up too badly. It's an hour I can dedicate to working stuff out, and I think it helped. In between watching the Battle For Zendikar Pro Tour I've been finishing up this new song.
All of Status Quo Radio I recorded on my crappy lil' lappy, and it's going to take some getting used to working on my new desktop. Namely, getting all my files and plug ins lined up. Reaper's been good to me with RBN, and it looks to be good with me on this. Hopefully I can get everything lined up right.
Right now it's a lot of unconfirmed stuff, and Holiday Matsuri being the only show I will 100% be at. Chibi-Pa and UltraCon are usual suspects, but I don't want to confirm anything until I get full confirmation from them.
Hopefully! I submitted the paperwork and am waiting to hear back on that.
Hahahahaha no.
The title is a reference to the NBA 2K16 Career Mode, directed by Spike Lee. Or, at least the first 3 chapters are by Spike Lee. It's kinda neat to see this little story play out with you and your longtime friend dealing with your rise as an NBA Superstar.
It's a neat little thing, but there's a lot of telling as opposed to showing. It seemed like Spike wanted to make a basketball movie, then had to work out a video game's frame work, so what would be a good estalbishing scene, or something that might be held out a couple beats longer is dumped because we're here to play basketball. There's a lot of good set up for some interesting Walking Dead style decisions, but it never happens, and the main dramatic thrust of the story is lost on the fact that you have to play games in between these dramatic story moments.
So while I was doing well in the High School and College portions of the game, I started to fail during Rookie Year. Regardless, the game went on saying FREQ (your characters "name" so they avoid using your real name) YOU'RE A STAR PLAYER! while I was getting 2 points a game off 5 minutes of play time.
Then it just kinda ends. I could see enjoying this as a basketball movie, but as a video game story it feels kinda wasted. Rest of the game is still good, mind you and I'm digging the MyCareer mode.
Also the cheerleaders look... very different from advertised...
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