-Now, how I do these things is I listen to the podcast and write one broad heading for every subject I think I can write about. Then I put all the headings into the CMS for the site and go from there. All I have for my notes on the first part of the podcast is "Dinosaur/Donald Trump", which could only mean a prompt to list my favorite possible Donald Trump/Dinosaur interactions:
- Dinosaurs eating Donald Trump's face off
- Bernie Sanders winning the election, then riding off on a veloiciraptor, who then goes back and eats Donald Trump
- Herbivoric dinosaur thinking Donald Trump's hair is vegetation, then eats his head in the process
- Brontosaurus's stomping on Donald Trump's crotch
- Donald Trump being horn fucked by a triceratops.
- A pterodactyl picking up Donald Trump by his belt and then dropping him into a volcano and his pants come off in the process as his tiny baby dick flops around before he falls in and his dick gets burned first
-"Anime took a shit on the E-string of a guitar"- Jeff Webster, on Babymetal's "Gimme Chocolate"
"Hungry Like The Wolf" from BABYDADROCK
So hopefully Rock Band can keep up the DLC front, since that's what kept them separate from the rest of the pack.
-Joe McCarthy was a man who was behind the main thrust of Communist Paranoia in the U.S. It was stupid bullshit in the Cold War, since we were itching to invade another country since WWII. America's got mad warboners.
So, you'd think Joe McCarthy would be regarded as a fucking loon, as his day's Jack Thompson, right?
In The Walking Dead, you reach the same endpoint of the respective stories, however all the decisions are meant to make you feel shitty THE SECOND AFTER you make a decision. The choices didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but broken up episode to episode, you had the experience of thinking about what would happen next, where the story was going, what other people did, etc.
Beyond Two Souls seemed to have to have one binary choice at the end. Fuck that noise.
Indigo Propechy had "multiple endings" but if we're thinking in video game terms, all you had to do was not fuck up the QTEs and make the OBVIOUS CHOICES to get the best ending. It was supposed to be episodic, but budget fucked them over. It promised a "malleable story" but, not really.
Heavy Rain, on the other hand, delivered on this promise a little bit more, where main characters can die, rendering parts of the game inaccessible. Like Indigo Prophecy, the endpoint was obvious, but the game kept going if you screwed up. Also, there were "sub-endings" once certain conditions were met depending on how long you used certain items, what you did, etc. Kinda like Silent Hills 2 and 3.
Until Dawn was similiar in all of those aspects, however it does this odd thing of keeping its cards close to its vest and throwing them out on the table. Yes, like Heavy Rain characters could die, but the game gives you hints on what to do next and how to keep everyone alive. So, like the Walking Dead, characters remember what happened, but unlike the Walking Dead, I wasn't caught up in the world and the story too much. I ENJOYED IT, loved playing the game, but I was still playing it like a game I tried to win.
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