Monday, July 14, 2014

Status Quo Sunday Schadenfreude

Why you ask? I feel as World Cup Champions, Germany deserves some recognition in a sport that America doesn't care about therefore it's not important.

Things that happened this week... Song writing and getting my act together for Anime Festival Orlando! Still waiting to hear back on the when and where, and the song is in it's polishing stages. Working on my setlist now, and have not one but TWO new songs you guys are going to here.


Other stuff? How about the Magic 2015 core set prerelease? I managed to attend two this weekend, going 2-1-1, and 2-2. So far it feels a little janky, and a couple cards feel like absolute motherfucking bombs that will wreck you shit and frustrate you to no end. Granted, said cards are fun, just not fun to play against. It's really easy to be in a situation where you can fall behind on mana. Quite frequently I ran into situations where my 6-drops would save my ass, but I couldn't 

This one guy got me REALLY salty when he played everything that had Deathtouch, such as Soul Of Innistrad and Typhoid Rats, as well as rare white angels, Resolute Angel and Avacyn. Like, I was trying to ride the line where I insulted him just enough to piss him off, but not enough so that I don't immediately come off like an asshole.

Or I could become a better loser...

Things to hate draft? Well, anything with Deathtouch, anything white with flying, and really, any of the Souls will do. Turn To Frog also gave me some troubles, but more on that once we get deeper into the season.

Evo, the biggest fighting game tournament in the world was also this weekend, and I caught some of the Super Smash Bros. Melee and Street Fighter 4 finals. I was happy to see prefered characters Jigglypuff and Sagat in the Grand Finals of their respective finals, so that all of my decisions in life have been validated.

Dashcon, a convention for Tumblr by Tumblr, turned out to be mismanaged garbage.

I've been to small conventions, I've been to conventions where the staff was spread thin, but I don't think any con I've played for had to hit me and the rest of the guests up for money.

There's this blog that covers Florida conventions, and none of them are ever as bad as Dashcon, probably because all the conventions I've been to so far have had at least one adult who knows what they're doing.

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