Saturday, May 26, 2012

RagNerdRok Episode 22

Rag-Nerd-Rok (sorta) had my music on their podcast again.

Ed, who works on the audio drama "Dead Of Winter" on RagNerdRok, asked me to write some background music for one of the scenes. He wanted something silly, like wh6atever goes in th6e background wh6enever Bulk and Skull (from Power Rangers) are on screen. Fortunately, I had something I was working on before, and it fits in pretty well.

Some podcasts, like WTFPod, and Nerdist, offer compelling interviews with interesting people. Recent highlights for me include WTF's Danny McBride and Craig Ferguson, and Nerdist's John Lithgow.

Some podcasts, like the Mega64 Podcast and Giant Bombcast, are by people who I can listen to bullshit endlessly.

RagNerdRok I like because I can listen to any episode and not feel like I missed out.

In order to get some background on DoW, I listened to the two older podcasts th6at were over a year old. It'-s a minor pet peeve to hear something that's a little dated, like talking about performances that have passed, or talking about games that were just released, but I didn't get that with RagNerdRok. It's subject centric, meaning that the episode is "about" something with little interludes thrown in between.

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