Saturday, August 23, 2014

Echo Chamber's Post Gaming In The 90's


-Road Trippin' by Red Hot Chili Peppers:


This is scary in how accurate it is...


But he's moving and streaming will be difficult?

-Deadpool Footage, because it's still painful a month later:

-SeaWorld's animal containment policies are a lot less strict than the zoo, since you can't exactly recreate the ocean. In places like The Bronx Zoo, where a lot of effort is put toward recreating their habitat as best as possible, whereas in an aquarium, it's just "here's a pool go nuts kids you have an extra hour in the ballpit"

-Here's the whale we were playing with...

-And some Nintendo 64 USB Controllers


-Welcome to X Plays Pokemon rip-off number #457452345.

-The whole thing with Twitch was summarized by Mystakin: These guys need a half-decent PR guy.

But the muting audio thing itself isn't bad, it's what it's leading to. Obviously Twitch wants to go legit so it can be bought out by someone larger, so they need the veneer of "We will totally respect all copyright, you guys!" There could be the abuse of "We don't want people knowing our game sucks" and watch a full LP of it, but then again YouTube has yet to go down that rabbit hole yet, and Twitch is more secure in that the experience is fleeting. The reduction of time in which you'll be allowed to keep highlight videos being smaller is them saying, "You can do this guys, but we're not YouTube 2.0"

It's not terrible, just inconvienient. For example, one streamer I love to fall asleep to, SGDoc, streams Magic The Gathering Online. He also plays a lot of classic rock on his Pandora Station, which he listens to while he plays (and why I love falling asleep to him). If he wanted to highlight a particularly interesting moment on his Twitch page, he wouldn't be able to, since the audio would be muted, and he couldn't explain what he just did.

The worst thing to happen to Twitch would be MLG or some other large entity steppijng and saying, "Hey, only we can stream XYZ game for official Championship purposes, because we don't want anyone else making money off our game for eSports purposes." So all the people streaming TF2, League Of Legends, DOTA, etc. would not be able to generate revenue. 

-The "Flappy Bird with The Room I got from a Cracked article by Winston Rowntree. Here's the chart below:

-Monkey Selfies was probably one of my favorite discussion we had on the podcast. Not only was interesting and on topic, but it led us to one of my favorite tangents, which I posted below:

I'd say "I'm Sorry", but sorry implies I did something wrong.


a.k.a. The One All About Ferguson. It was an interesting discussion to say the least, Mystakin with an outsiders view, who is well versed in social justice and Arcanon having recently finished up a Citizen's class, meant to educate the public about how the city's cops operate and why/how they do what they do, with some dept. history thrown in.

There were times it felt a little uncomfortable, but primarily the three of us agreed on one thing:

DARREN WILSON (the officer who shot Mike Brown) FUCKED UP BIG TIME

Not only shouldn't he have shot someone unarmed, but the gun doesn't come out that fast. Even then, you don't shoot someone 6 times, because, you know, there's other people around. 

"Oh, be he commited a crime at some point in time before!"
Yeah, you get arrested for that, not murdered. Even then, in the case of Trayvon Martin, the shooter can't be Judge Dredd and immediately divine that he was suspended from school or whatever.

"But if you had a 300 pound, 6-4 urban feral black man coming toward you, you'd do the same thing!"
One, we don't know that yet, and two, I also wouldn't aggravate the large black man so shooting him wouldn't be an option.

As you'll hear in this week's upcoming podcast (#93), things did not calm down or get better, but there's been a lot of outreach within the community to continue schooling, provide shelter and help those in need.

Though the "Support Darren Wilson" on GoFundMe is fucking disgusting, and the only hope I have is that the person in charge will go "PSYCHE!" and contribute to the Michale Brown Memorial Fund.

There's one last thing on the matter I want to say, but I'll save it for the beginning of next week's podcast recap, since it does involve something else we spoke about at the beginning.

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