Thursday, August 8, 2013

Echo Chamber Post Game Epsiode 50


-This is Welcome To Night Vale. Listen to it, and be amazed. Or you could be a pissy little bitch like my brother and yell "IT'S SO STUPID!!!" Easiest way to put it, NPR from the Twilight Zone. My favorite style of humor (or really, humor in general when you get right down to it) is the completely ridiculous portrayed with an absolutely straight face.

-Audible is for chumps.

-Speaking of Sherlock Holmes, here's some good "Hark! A Vagrant!" on Sherlock
Comic 1
Comic 2

-Speaking of Sherlock Holmes again, the Martin Freeman/Benedict Cumberbatch series Sherlock is pretty good, and I can see why Tumblr is obsessed over it. Meaning, it's a good show that has young pretty white people in it and Tumblr's like OMGSHIPTIME

-Speaking of Martin Freeman, I will still stand by the "Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy Movie". It has Sam Rockwell AND Mos Def in it, and while there are some parts where it feels like they kinda slapped it together and make it all happy and Hollywood-ish.

-Speaking of Martin Freeman again, The World's End ends the Cornetto Trilogy in two weekends.

-Speaking of Cornettos, we call them King Cones in AMURICA!

-Speaking of AMURICA! what's more American that investing a shitton of money into something dangerous and stupid only to have it produce a shitton of waste? NOTHING!

-Speaking of that thing I just said, here's a look at some Bitcoin Mining Rigs, which the Fire Department calls "A Shit Storm Waiting To Happen":

-MovieBob explains movie rights in this video. Now what I want to know is, "Where is Taskmaster?" I really hope there's a loophole like with Scarlet Witch and Quiksilver, that even though they're mutants, they were part of the Avengers so the Marvel Movies can use them. Originally he was an Avengers villain, but he has a history with Deadpool.

-If I animate anything from the Echo Chamber, our "Duckface On A Grandpa" bit would be it.

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