Monday, December 23, 2013


1225 REPOST E'RY DAY Time has been on the exact opposite of my side all week, but I am getting some writing, however little progress I am making. Right now it's the "prepare for Christmas" Season, and afterwards, it'll be "Prepare for Sands Of Anime" Season, where I'm debuting my new and improved look. It'll be awesome. Or "Moe" as the Anime Kids say these days. These days, I split my time between two computers: The one I'm typing on now, and the one I do all my recording on. On the one hand it's terribly inconvenient, but on the other. After that it's "Prepare for Two Standard Events" Season. Then "Get Status Quo Radio Recorded" Season. :) HEY RHYTHM BASTARD, WHAT GETS YOU IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT? This playlist!

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