Monday, January 7, 2013

Django Unchained and Movie Talk

There's a phrase I constantly call myself around my friends called "Movie Retarded". While I do enjoy a good movie, most of the time I'll think "Bah, I don't have the time/patience to watch this!", then play Trials: Evolution for 3 hours. That, and all my friends I want to see a movie are either broke or now in another state. (For example, Wreck-It Ralph has been on my to see list for a while).

So when I do actually go out and see a movie, it's always an occasion.

Recently I went to see Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino's latest, and while it is long, you never feel its length once it gets going. The only other movie I've seen by him was Kill Bill Pts. 1 and 2, and while I still liked it for all its craziness, there was not much need for it to be two parts. He has a way of bringing this levity and humor to even the most brutal scenes, all while maintaining the drama of the moment. In Kill Bill, this was in Pt. 2 with Elle Driver's final scene where The Bride rips her good eye and Driver fumbles around intensly, knocking shit over. It's makes for a good cathartic counterbalance to having her buried alive earlier in the movie.

Same here Django and the climax. Everybody gets theirs, and in classic QT fashion, blood's everywhere, but doesn't get in the way of a simple "hero saves the damsel in distress" story. It also avoids the cliche "White person helps black guy defeat slavery", due to aforementioned simplicity.  

Go see it.  

Also, I might be doing a video essay on X-Men Origins: Wolverine (ala the 90 minute long Plinkett Reviews). ComicBookMovie has recently had a lot of articles on the special effects/makeup regarding the end with "quote" "Deadpool" "unquote" and over beers a lot of friends have expressed their excitement at the still lingering possibility of a proper Deadpool movie, so I'm thinking about doing such a thing. Time has been gentler to Origins, but it's gone from "offensively bad" to just "We dropped a lot of balls bad"

To end on a good note, here's some robots playing "Ace Of Spades":

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